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Morpheus8 (Face)

Morphheus8 is a minimally invasive Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device (SARD), designed to remodel collagen and coagulate adipose tissue. This interchangeable portfolio of microneedling tips, with different pin configurations (Prime 12 pin, Resurfacing 24 pin, Morpheus8 24 pin), provides physicians with a modular solution to deliver customizable full body fractional treatments.

Key benefits

- For facial soft tissue and small treatment areas.
- Clinically proven to remodel subdermal and dermal tissue through bulk sub-necrotic heating and fractional coagulation of fat.
- Three interchangeable fractional tips with different microneedling configurations:
- 12 pin Morpheus8 Prime for small narrow areas such as the periorbital zone and upper lip
- 24 pin Morpheus8 for larger areas such as the forehead, nasolabial folds, jawlines, and neck
- 24 pin Morpheus8 Resurfacing for the treatment of superficial conditions, including scarring
- Safe on skin types I to VI with little risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) which is common with other resurfacing methods.‍

A handheld black and silver device with a rectangular top section and a cylindrical handle, possibly featuring microneedling tips. The top section includes a transparent element at the front, suggesting a scanning or illumination feature, indicating it may be used with systems like Morpheus8 (Face) for advanced procedures.

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