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Black and Black

Dobbelt kurvkanyle, MicroAire®-type Power Hub, lige

Genanvendelig / autoklaverbar
Materialer og håndværk af høj kvalitet
Kanyleslangeforbindelse designet til en skridsikker pasform til både aspiration og infiltration
Lavet i USA

Close-up of a black metal component featuring a cylindrical element on top, a horizontal slot in the middle, and a connected tube protruding from the right side. The text "USA CE J20 0297" is inscribed on the top left of this Double Basket Cannula, MicroAire®-Type Power Hub, Straight.
A close-up view of a metallic rod with multiple oval-shaped cutouts and grooves along its length. The shiny, polished finish reflects light beautifully. This Double Basket Cannula, MicroAire®-Type Power Hub, Straight is designed for durability and can be reused repeatedly without compromising quality.

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